Goodness, life has not slowed one bit since we moved. I did make one purse for my shop last month and am working on one right now. I continue my retail job; which I go to from Thursday through Sunday evenings. I am so tired of that. I am a definite stay at home type. I love cooking and cleaning for my family, and most importantly being with my family. My three year old still hates it when I leave for work. That upsets me. But, here we are. Hubby will finish his masters of accounting in December (woohoo! so proud of him), but until then we do what we can to make ends meet. This economy is just so fun, right?
So, what's been going on with us? We are in hyper-drive with homeschooling. We are on a South American schedule of February to November, but would like to switch to North American schedule. So, We are doing our whole year in less than 6 months. The girls are tired, but troopers! I know they want summers off like everybody else. We were thinking of putting them in public school for the sports programs and social aspects, but found out that the school in our area was pretty bad. So, we nixed that idea. We will just be looking for sports and dance and such that they can be involved in while still homeschooling.
I am so happy that beach weather is returning! We actually live closer to the beach since we moved. I can hear it calling me! Ok, maybe that was just the seagulls in the dumpster, but I will be happy to start our weekly trips to the beach again.
Hubby and I are both teaching Sunday school classes at church; which makes us a little scattered on Sundays. I facilitate a class for adults that is an open forum type study. Hubby teaches a class on the book of Galatians (6 week class). We eventually find each other and go to worship together. Then most Sundays I have to work after lunch, bummer. I miss nice lazy Sunday afternoons and naps, I really miss naps.
So that's basically our lives. I promise to blog sooner about something more interesting!
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