Sorry, I have been a bit distracted and busy. First, there was the week of four bag sales plus having to sew an elaborate princess dress for a special order.
I love to create; so that was a lot of fun. I had made a dress for the same girl a couple of years ago and she needed a new one for a trip to Disney World this month. I pulled out all the stops and made the dress really fancy. Sparkly butterflies flowed down the front of the dress. Most importantly, the girl loved it!
The next week I was busy making Easter dresses for my three daughters. I don't know why I do that to myself. The dresses were awesome, but my house went to pot and I was exhausted. (Especially after staying up until midnight to finish the last one). Anyway, I vowed to just buy the ten dollar superstore dresses next year!
In the meantime I am trying to rebuild stock in my etsy shop. I also had to have a root canal in the midst of all of this. Apparently, my braces injured one of my teeth and killed the nerve. That was painful! I had an infection and my sinus was so inflamed. After a week they finally gave me an antibiotic. Trials of life.
My husband's birthday was yesterday; ironically the day after tax deadline. I am so thankful that he has a job at this time, but the hours are pretty strenuous. We do get to go have lunch with him sometimes. That is always nice.
I am listening to my girls play restaurant in their bedroom while I type this. I get such a kick out of the "chicken cherry-aki" that they have gleaned from the Pepto commercial. Also being served is "upside down chocolate monkey cake" and ten dollar drinks. I think my oldest has an uppercrust imagination. Love it.
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