And so, here I am again. I have had a time of it trying to get sales in my shop. I know it's a bad time economically, but come on, I'm not selling toe nail stickers! Bags are a necessity for every day. For me, they carry diapers and wipes, knitting, papers, food, groceries, my hubby's lunch, and let's not forget my girls' necessary menagerie of stuffed animals and toys that are permantly with them. Anyway, I am on a quest to find better ways to get my bags out there. So, I hand out my cards and email a few people. Keep in mind that I am a very reserved person and sales in completely not my thing. I went to a local farmer's market, but they have made their own bags, thank you very much. If you've ever seen the movie "The perfect man" with Hillary Duff in it; that pretty well relates to me. Not the whole psycho-relational mom thing, but moving constantly. It was around 20 times by the time I got married. So, let's just say my repretoire of old friends is extremely miniscule! My husband, on the other hand, lived in the same house until he went off to college! His fb friends list is monstrous. So, he would have an endless supply of old pals to bug about buying his thingamajig, but alas, I do not. And so, I'm talking to a computer screen, quite sad, actually. "I will survive." sung in cheesy 70s music.
Ok, moving on. I would just like to put in one more plug for stopping the use of plastic bags! Unless of course, you think they would make a great new plastic landscape for the world.
I also want to introduce you to a good friend of mine who makes the absolute coolest purses. She can be found at She is so creative and her purses rock! Check her out today. You can also read her blog at
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