Saturday, June 26, 2010

Nearly July

Oh my goodness, this has been a humdinger (not sure how to spell that properly) of a month. We are still working away at homeschool. Actually, my girls are working away at school and I am cracking the whip (not really). We have been enjoying the beach while there is still clean water out there. We are holding our breaths hoping the oil does not come here. From the 14th through the 18th we had VBS at our church. I was naive enough to be talked into being outside games coordinator. We had almost 700 kids this year! I got them in 4 shifts and had to run 6 different games; at the same time making sure each small group is at the proper game. Yes, its was insane. I was so exhausted by the end and thought I would be permanently stuck saying, "The drinking water is for your mouth!" It was so hot out there I let the kids have a water balloon war the last day. The next week (which we have just finished) my 2 oldest girls were attending another VBS across town. So, I became Mom's Taxi Service. Next week will be an art camp and then we are done! Yeah!

I have not done much sewing. Hmm, wonder why? I am still so full of ideas. Right now I'm making some stuff for my sweet girlies. They watch so much of what I make go into the closet and then the mail. I came upon a fantastic sale at JoAnn's and purchased the patterns my girls picked out for 1.99 each. So I am making them outfits by their design. Lot's of fun! I'm hoping after next week to move into full gear and get some more things in my shop.