Yes, my blog is once again neglected. Life has been extremely crazy! Between two weeks of VBS at two churches and just trying to keep my house going and sewing, I feel like I really need a "do nothing" day. I like those days when I don't feel pressured to do anything. At least my girls loved vbs and made some new friends. I helped with crafts the first week--over 600 kids every day for five days! Wow, was I ever exhausted. The second week I just drove the girls to and fro across town a bazillion times.
Last night I went to a baseball game for the first time ever! The Corpus Christi Hooks were playing a team from Tulsa. We won! The best part was that my husband and I had gone with our pastor and his wife.
My sewing is going slowly. I have so many ideas and so little time to create. I made a Texas flag purse this week and decided to keep it; since I don't have very many things that I have made. I've added a Bolivian apron to my shop. Most women of Bolivia wear brightly colored aprons everyday and everywhere. I have one I bought in Sucre about six years ago that I wear while I'm cooking or anything messy. They are so comfortable and always make me think of being in Bolivia. I like that I can throw it over my neck and don't have to tie the back if I don't want to. I can almost smell a stinky market full of veggies and fruits.
Life moves along in every minute of the day. My six year old loves to pretend she is reading a book speaking very fast in a British accent. It cracks me up. Especially since what she says makes no sense, just random words. My three year old went to the farmer's market with me this morning dressed as Minnie Mouse. She made everyone smile. My eight year old is growing up way too fast. I had to give her the "you are too young for a boyfriend" talk this week. I'm content today to have a loving husband and three lovely daughters, a good farmer's market and Mexican fruteria, and a beach close by.